Future Skills pilot project

We conducted Future Skills training for students undergoing hotel management training. Aptitude and skill tests during the initial stage of hotel management training indicated that students were only being prepared for entry-level jobs. To address this, the project was implemented alongside the regular course.

  • Pilot duration: January - March 2024

  • No. of students trained: 30

  • Profile of the students: Tribal youth of Jharkhand

Outcome of the project: The results were outstanding, with 100% placement in India’s leading hotel chains like The Leela, The Ummed, Lemontree, Holiday Inn, etc. and with higher salaries than other students applying for the same jobs in the country.

Income enhancement of farmers through fruit processing unit

We established a Jackfruit Processing Unit for the small, marginalized farmers, including women farmers, of the Aspirational District-Khunti, Jharkhand, with the aim of increasing their income and providing them with a platform to sell their produce in national and international markets.

  • No of farmers engaged via FPO: 1500

  • Infrastructure development: 10,000+ sq. ft. facility developed

  • Estimated capacity of the production unit: 50 MT jackfruit

  • Estimated turnover for the first year: Rs. 15 lakhs

Geographical Indications (GIs)

As per the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), in 2023, India had 423 active GIs and was ranked 23rd globally.

Current annual target (FY 2024-25)

Registration of agricultural GIs : 8 GIs

Registration of non-agricultural GIs : 4 GIs

Long-term target (to be achieved by 2030)

Registration of agricultural GIs : 150 GIs

Registration of non-agricultural GIs : 75 GIs

The project will be led by Prof. Ganesh Hingmire, the chairperson of Chamber India’s IPR council.

Prof. Hingmire is credited for registering more than 25% of total Agricultural GIs in India and has won two consecutive National Intellectual Property Awards by Ministry of Commerce, Government of India.

Skill development

The chamber has been working to provide sustainable livelihood to poorest of poor in India’s Aspirational Districts through India’s largest residential skill development centre for rural women.

Programme highlights

5 States

27 Aspirational Districts

14 Districts affected with Left Wing Extremism

1714 Gram Panchayat

3200+ direct beneficiaries

1500+ indirect beneficiaries

Skill development institute
Skill development institute
Adolescent health

Beneficiaries of our programmes are mostly between the ages of 15-19. The chamber undertakes the following initiatives to support them during this important phase of their lives:

  • Education on menstrual health and hygiene practices, including proper menstrual hygiene management and the use of menstrual hygiene products.

  • Awareness campaigns to debunk myths and misconceptions surrounding menstruation and promote a positive attitude towards menstrual health.

  • Educating adolescents on the safe disposal of menstrual waste to prevent environmental pollution and health hazards.

  • Offering reproductive health education and introduction to contraceptives. Educate them on sexually transmitted diseases, its prevention, testing and treatment options.

  • Informing them about the importance of family planning, emphasizing the benefits of spacing pregnancies and delaying childbirth and highlighting the negative health consequences of early marriage and early pregnancy.

Our students
Our students
Our students
Our students
Our students
Our students
Supporting tribal women at their workplace
Our students doing yoga in their workplace
Our students doing yoga in their workplace

Housing of tribal women as per international standards

Under this project, the chamber worked with our partners to equip residential facilities for the tribal women at their workplace strictly adhere to the international norms set by the International Labour Organization (ILO). Areas covered includes ventilation, lighting, fans, 1 washroom per 8 women, minimum 40 sq. ft. personal space per women, etc.

Continuous counselling at workplace

In FY 2023-24, the chamber also conducted 54 counselling session for the tribal women at their workplace to help them deal with their problems.

Counseling on physical and mental health issues, stress management, nutrition, reproductive health, and access to healthcare services.

Educating them about their legal rights in the workplace and society, including protections against discrimination and exploitation.

Rural women entrepreneurship

The chamber pledges to exclusively work with SHGs/units run by women for all the apparel needs of its skill development programmes.

FY 2023-24

Dispersed uniform orders worth Rs. 7,00,000 to a 100% female led SHG in an Aspirational District.

FY 2024-25

Establishment of 100% women led apparel units in 4 Aspirational Districts.

The chamber will help secure work orders worth Rs. 10,00,000 every year for the initial 2 years to support the unit in its inception stage.

As a technical support agency, the chamber will support the capacity building and handholding for the units.

The project will be funded by the government as well as by our CSR partners.

IT partnership for strengthening rural health systems in Aspirational Districts

Implementation of a mobile-based data collection app equipped with user-friendly interfaces and standardized forms for Anganwadi and Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) workers.

Real-time data transmission and synchronization to the District Administration’s database, allowing them to monitor progress, identify trends and make data-driven decisions promptly.

Interactive e-learning modules for continuous professional development of Anganwadi and ICDS workers.

Startup Connect with Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs)

The chamber will be engaging with 200+ SHGs, FPOs and other cooperatives in the coming year.

12 sectors to be covered under the programme:

  1. Agriculture

  2. Dairy and livestock farming

  3. Handicrafts and artisanal products

  4. Fisheries and aquaculture

  5. Horticulture and floriculture

  6. Textiles and weaving

  7. Food processing and preservation

  8. Renewable energy

  9. Women's empowerment

  10. livelihood promotion

  11. Rural sanitation

  12. Environmental conservation

Pilot Project

  • Project: Sustainable management of Jackfruit FPO

  • Partner: No. 1 Project Implementation Agency of the Ministry of Rural Development

  • Location: Aspirational District Khunti

  • Started on: March 2024

  • No. of farmers: 200 farmers

  • Awarded by: District Administration

  • Annual output: 60 MT Jackfruit

Women Self Help Group (SHG)
Women Self Help Group (SHG)
Bridging digital divide in Aspirational Districts

As per the National Family Health Survey (2019-21), only one in three women in India (33%) have ever used the internet, compared to more than half (57%) of men. Rural India faces an even more pronounced divide, with men twice as likely as women to have used the internet (49% vs 25%).

To bridge this divide, the chamber has designed a 15 day curriculum for tribal women from the Aspirational Districts, who have never accessed IT solutions in their life.

  • Established Future Skills Incubation Lab in 2 Aspirational Districts.

  • Equipped with 560 tablet computers.

  • 105 laptops and desktops with latest AI apps and softwares.

Our students
Our students
Our students
Our students
Our students
Our students