Meeting with the team of USAID India, led by Mr. Bryan Byrne, at the secretariat

March 18, 2024

Delighted to host the USAID India team, led by Mr. Bryan Byrne, at the Chamber India secretariat.

Our President Mr. Abhinav Balyan, shared insights on impactful projects benefiting rural populations in the Aspirational Districts of India and Global South countries.

Few of the projects discussed include:

  • Road safety

  • Geographical Indications

  • Skill development

  • Adolescent health

  • Rural women entrepreneurship

  • Bridging digital divide

  • Self-employment of indigenous people through beekeeping

  • Startup Connect with SHGs and FPOs

  • Sustainable management of FPOs

  • IT partnership for strengthening rural health systems in Aspirational Districts

  • CSR projects