H.E. Ria A Sital, Charge d' Affaires of the Republic of Suriname at Chamber India event

Diplomat from Suriname at a Chamber India Event
Diplomat from Suriname at a Chamber India Event

President of Chamber India Mr. Abhinav Balyan met with H.E. Ria A Sital, Charge d' Affaires of the Republic of Suriname at an event hosted by the chamber.

India enjoys close, warm and friendly relations with Suriname, reinforced by cultural and people to people contacts bridged by Indian Diaspora's arrival dating back to 146 years. Several high level visits have been exchanged since establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Suriname in 1976. Indian Diaspora of about 5.68 lakhs constitutes 27% of Suriname’s population.

Indian export to Suriname consists of boilers, machinery, iron & steel, electrical machinery & equipment, sound recorders, pharmaceutical products, textiles, vehicles, coffee, tea and spices, rubber, paper, tobacco, organic chemicals, furniture, carpets, ceramic products, footwear and printed books; Indian import consists of wood, aluminium, textiles, herbal products, garments, spices and electrical machinery.

Exports to India

2016-17 US$ 45.92 million

2017-18 US$ 92.76 million

2018-19 US$ 111.94 million

Imports from India

2016-17 US$ 10.59 million

2017-18 US$ 17.38 million

2018-19 US$ 1.34 million

President of India paid a state visit to Suriname from June 19-21, 2018 at the invitation of the President of the Republic of Suriname with a high level delegation comprising Mr. Vishnu Deo Sai, Minister of State for Steel. Five MOUs were signed in the areas of Centre of Excellence in ICT, Cooperation between the Electoral authorities, National Archives, Cooperation between diplomatic Institutes and Remunerative employment of dependents of the diplomatic personnel of the two countries. The two LOC agreements on EBS transmission line for US$ 27.5mn and maintenance of Chetak helicopters for US$ 3.5 mn were signed during the visit. An LOC of US$ 20 mn for ISA project towards rural electrification of 50 villages of Suriname was also announced.