H.E. Dr. Aminata Thiam, chargé d'affaires of the Embassy of Guinea at chamber's secretariat

Jan 10, 2023

President of Chamber India Mr. Abhinav Balyan with charge d'affaires of Guinea
President of Chamber India Mr. Abhinav Balyan with charge d'affaires of Guinea

President & CEO of Chamber India Mr. Abhinav Balyan had a meeting with Dr. Aminata Thiam, chargé d'affaires of the Embassy of Guinea, at the chamber's secretariat to discuss ways to further trade and investment ties between India and Guinea.

The meeting was part of the series of meetings under Chamber India's Africa Connect Initiative, with key leaders and representatives from all the African nations to foster co-operation between India & Africa to help drive growth, development and prosperity in both regions.

An MOU was signed between India and Guinea in 2019 for cooperation in the field of renewable energy. India has one of the most ambitious solar power generation targets in the world and Chamber India is committed to taking this initiative further.

As a follow-up to the MOU between India & Guinea, the following potentials for investment & collaboration were discussed

1) UN SDGs

2) Solar & Renewable Energy

3) Two Wheelers

4) Pharmaceuticals

5) Education

6) Sanitation

President of Chamber India Mr. Abhinav Balyan with charge d'affaires of Guinea
President of Chamber India Mr. Abhinav Balyan with charge d'affaires of Guinea
President of Chamber India Mr. Abhinav Balyan with charge d'affaires of Guinea
President of Chamber India Mr. Abhinav Balyan with charge d'affaires of Guinea